Saturday, January 1, 2011

Double Digits

I love this boy! Asher is now 10 months old... I can't believe in 2 short months he is going to be 1... Time is flying by way to fast... Here are some current things going on with Asher

  • He now weighs 20 pounds.
  • has 4 teeth. 2 on the bottom and 2 on the top with 2 more on the top starting to break through.
  • This little boy loves his sister and follows her all around the house. I'm glad that they are so close in age and hopefully will be best of friends.
  • He is starting to like to play with toys more.
  • I can tell he is going to get into all sorts of mischief just like Morgan. They are both very determined little kids.
  • Still not walking but he now will walk along things and he can stay standing for a pretty long time. Sometimes he looks like he is going to take a step but then backs down and starts crawling. It's just a matter of time before he starts walking but for now I will enjoy his crawling and that baby stage of him as long as I can because they grow up way too fast.
  • Asher is always so full of smiles and I love it. It totally melts my heart.
  • Morgan is the only one that can make him laugh so hard. I don't know how she does it but we love it when she does it. One time she was just shaking a little box of nerds in front of him and he was cracking his head off. I love the sound of a baby's laughter!
  • Really the only thing he says besides babbling is mamama.
  • He now waves to people
  • This morning while I was sleeping he was standing next to my bed and I open my eyes and wave to him and he sat down then got back up then sat down etc while laughing. He was playing peek -a- boo with me and I thought it was the cutest thing ever.
I seriously love this boy to pieces. He and Morgan bring so much joy into our lives and we couldn't have been blessed with better children. I can't wait to see how their personalities grow and blossom. I love being a mamama and a Mommy!