Saturday, January 1, 2011


This year we had a pretty low key Christmas. We generally have a little family Christmas party with Pauls family but because of wedding stuff we didn't have one this year; and we always do Christmas Eve with my family and have my Aunt Linda and her family over for dinner but both my kids were sick and all of my family as well so we decided to cancel it this year. Instead we hung out with Pauls family. His parents and brother Matt came over about 3:30 and we had Venizias party pizza for lunch and for those of you who don't know these pizzas are huge. The slices are a foot long and the pizza is two feet wide. After we were done eating Paul, Matt and his dad played called of duty for several hours and Pauline and I just hung out and took Morgan to the park. We decided it would be fun to go and see a movie so we went to see True Grit at the 8:00 showing hoping no one would really be there. Boy were we wrong. The theater was packed. I was seriously so nervous the whole time that it was going to be a disaster with the kids there. The last time we tried taking them to the movies it was a DISASTER! But that was about 6 months ago. Morgan fell asleep not long after the movie started and Asher fell asleep close to the end. He did pretty good but did get a little restless. He was tired and is used to just being layed in his crib to go to bed.
To be honest it really didn't feel much like Christmas this year. I think for me so much of the fun is going a getting gifts for people and this year we just didn't have the money to get each other gifts or the kids. On black friday my mom had given me some money to go out and get the kids some winter clothes for their christmas, and of course they got their gifts early so that they wouldn't freeze their bums off this winter. But with a little of the money she gave me I picked up a gift for Asher and one for Morgan at the Disney Store with the sale going on. So at least the kids had those two things to open up on christmas morning. Pauls parents gave the kids their gifts on Christmas eve. They each got two really cool books. Morgans was an I spy and I can't believe how good she does at finding everything.
Here is Morgan and Asher opening their gifts Christmas Morning! They are in their cute Christmas jammies that my parents gave them on Christmas eve. They also got to wear them to the movies. That might be a fun tradition!

Morgans new suitcase with a princess pillow and blanket for when she has sleepovers at Grandma and Grandpas house.
Asher playing with his new toy story figurines.
After we opening their gifts we got ready and headed over to Pauls Parents house for Christmas Lunch. We had a good Prime rib, potatoes, and green beans. The adults just sat around and talked while the kids played. We then went over to my to open up some presents. Most everyone got their presents in advance this year from my parents. Paul got some new hiking shoes and I got a new(but used, but new to me!) coffee table that matches my kitchen table and I love it. My dad also got me photoshop. I got their expecting to just open a couple gifts for morgan but to my surprise there was gifts for everyone. Morgan pretty much opening everyones gifts and she loved all of hers. I got a 3 tiered buffet server thing so I don't have to steal my moms anymore and some cash to go buy some new clothes with and paul got some emergency kit for the car or something like that and some cash for whatever and we also got some movies from my brother and of course paul got his call of duty black ops game. We really could not have been more blessed with the generosity of our families this year for Christmas. I am thankful every year for the gifts both our parents gave us but I think the fact that this year we could not afford any gifts it made them even more special.
Morgan conked out after playing hard with her cousins.

Poor Asher got some poop on his jammies over at grandma and grandpa Holgates house and I didnt have a change of clothes for him and on our way over to my parents he fell asleep so I didnt change him into his clothes I picked up at the house and he woke up in the middle of opening presents and that is why he has no clothes on.
We had a very nice Christmas this year and we hope that everyone else did as well! I am so excited for next year now that Morgan is grasping onto the concepts of everything! And Asher will be old enough to participate some as well!