Saturday, January 1, 2011

Arizona Science Center

About three weeks ago my Cousin Mercedes invited us to go to the Arizona Science Center with her. She had a culture pass from the library so since I was free I accepted her invite and we went. When we got there a worker told us they had the new Monster Stomach exhibit, so we ventured on down to the first floor to go check it out. When he said the word slide in peaked our interest since what little kid doesn't like a slide. Well apparently Morgan DOES NOT like the monster stomach slide. When we went to go down in at the top it starts making farting noises really loud and freaked the crap out of her.

She has this nervous habit of picking at her upper lip when she is scared or nervous and she was just standing over by Asher literally shaking every time someone went down and she heard the farting. Later when we got home and I told her to tell daddy about the slide she would say "It fart on me" It was sad that she was so scared by it but kind of funny later on when she would talk about how the pink tummy slide farted on her and thats all she remembered about the day.
The next thing we went and did was the wheel chair races. It was Morgan and I against Mercedes and Skylie. Morgan and I won both times and Mercedes was completely convinced that there was something wrong with hers because she thought she should have won. All I have to say is don't let me chicken arms fool you in a wheel chair race. I am used to carrying really heavy kids around all day. We came to the conclusion though that they should have these wheel chairs at the gym for people to work out on. Our arms were seriously like jell-o after doing a couple of the races.

They also had an intestine ball pit for the kids to play in. I think we were all a little eerie of how clean the balls were, but we got over it since the kids were having fun in there. Especially my cousin Emily's little boy Titan. Good thing they had Purell hand sanitizers everywhere so we could frequently wash our hands.

Asher chillin in his stroller while all of the bigger kids play. Such a cutie!
They also had this cool thing on the wall where you take these tubes and build yourself a maze to put the ping pong balls down. This was a big hit for Morgan and Skylie.
The boys had the most fun playing with these ball that were floating in the air trying to catch them. It entertained them for probably a good half hour!
Group shot of us mommas with all of our kids!
As we were leaving we thought it would be fun to take some pics of the kids with the fall leaves since they were so pretty. Morgan was having fun. Asher, well by the look of his face I think you can figure it out. Poor boy was SO tired and hungry. It had been a long day for him. And Skylie looks a little unsure.
All in all we had a really fun time hanging out with our cousins! Next time we want to try and get culture passes for the zoo and the Phoenix Childrens Museum. Heard its a blast! By the way I hate when I upload pictures and when I am done with the post realize they weren't all uploaded. Oh well...