I have been wanting to get a gym membership for quite sometime now. For years actually but Paul said the only way I could get one is if I had someone I could go work out with. Which is understandable to give you the motivation to go. Because lets be honest having a workout buddy is so much better than working out alone. Someone to help drive you and keep you going when you feel like quitting because it's getting a little hard. Well I heard about these 3 month fitness works passes for $20 and asked my friend Liesl if she was interested in getting one with me. She said yes and in fact I think it was her nephew who sold them to us for a fundraiser. Anywho tonight was my first time in a gym in 4 years. And lets be honest I have kind of become a couch potato ever since I got married. Liesl on the other hand is a certified trainer which is great for me since my workout buddy can seriously give me some direction since I have NO CLUE what I am doing. Today we started out by doing warm up cardio. Ten minutes in the elliptical Sp? Then we did some squat things while holding weights in our hands. We did 3 different exercises 20 reps each 3 times. She was good enough to complete them all but I seriously couldn't do that many so I probably did about half that. I was really pretty embarrassed that I was that out of shape and I felt like my legs were going to collapse underneath me at any given moment. We then moved over to the machines and did 3 different exercises on the leg press with 12 reps each 3 times. I felt a little better with that one. We then did 15 min cool down cardio. I chose to do the bike over the elliptical since my legs were so wobbly and weak I didnt want my legs to give out on that machine. It felt really good to get back into a gym and I really felt a sense of accomplishment. After high school my friend tony was a trainer too and I would work out with him everyday for about 2 hours and I loved it. I hope I enjoy it this time around because tonight whooped my butt and I feel like I hardly did anything. I just kept thinking how in the world do the people on the biggest loser do this! I would die if I was ever on the show. So, I guess this little 3 month pass will be a good trial run for a real membership someday.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
I figure I haven't blogged much for the month of January and it's going to be over here pretty soon. We really haven't been up to very much. Paul has been doing work over at my parents house doing some remodeling so most of our days are spent over at their house playing while Paul works. He also was working with his brother one week, and painting another brothers house which he still needs to finish. I feel very blessed this past month that Paul has had enough work to keep him busy. It has been pretty rough the past while and I am really hoping that he will be able to have enough work to keep him busy for a while and supply us with enough money to pay our bills.
Other than Paul working, and me trying to convince my parents of ways that I think they should remodel their house (which consumes my thoughts way too much. I guess I'm living vicariously through their remodeling wishing I was doing it for my own house. Ha if I even had a house that I could remodel. Someday...) We haven't done much. Besides Morgan getting into the 2 year old stage of throwing tantrums and crying if she doesn't get her way, we had friends over one night and I did 2 little photo shoots for my friend that just got married. It was fun doing the engagements and then my first time ever Bridal shoot. A little intimidating. I also did a nail party for another friends little sisters birthday party. That was a great way for me to earn some extra money. I also went and checked out a cosmetology school a few weeks ago. I was considering going back since I only have 640 hours left and could finish in about 5 months but I just feel like right now isn't the best time financially. Even with financial aid I would still have to pay around 3 grand to go and I don't feel comfortable taking out loans with the way our income has been. Unsteady... Lets see what else...This past weekend it was my friend Krystina's birthday. Well actually its today... Anyways My friend Whitney and I took her out to the Cheesecake factory on Friday night. It was fun to get a little dressed up to go out with good friends and just eat good food, be away from kids for a couple hours, and have good adult conversation. I feel like that doesn't happen often enough...
Next month Is going to be pretty busy with birthdays. We have Paul's brother Nick's, his daughter, my mom, my brother and last but not least Asher's 1st birthday. I can't believe in one month he will be 1.I am still deciding on what I should do for his birthday but I still have a little while to figure it out. Hopefully my next post will be something a little bit more exciting. Until then!
Posted by Polka-dotted elephants at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 13, 2011
My little boy took his first steps yesterday. It was so exciting to see his little feet move on and off of the ground. He only would take four steps before he would fall but I would say that is pretty good for the first day. I'm sure it will be a couple weeks or more before he is fully walking since he is a pretty cautious kid but i'm fine with that. We are just having fun watching him grow, learn and experience new things!
Posted by Polka-dotted elephants at 2:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
The other day while Paul was working at my parents I let the kids go and play out front in the grass. The weather was so nice and the sun was shining! They love to be outside but unfortunately our yard only has rock. It will be fun when spring rolls around and we can go play at the parks!
Posted by Polka-dotted elephants at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Sleepy Girl
It's amazing to me how kids can literally fall asleep doing anything, anywhere. I have always seen pictures of kids passed out while eating, and the other day Morgan experienced it first hand. We were just sitting there eating dinner and I look over at her and she was totally passed out while sitting up. I had to hurry and snap a picture before she fell out of the chair. She kept drifting over. My tired little girl sure did go to bed early that night.
Posted by Polka-dotted elephants at 12:30 PM 1 comments
New Years...
We had a pretty low key new years this year. Paul worked over at my parents some and then we went to Fuddruckers with the kids and my brother Brandon. We had a good time visiting and eating good food. Then we went on a trip to good ol Walmart to get some necessary ingredients for a good treat! Once we got home we got the sparklers out and let Morgan have some fun! She was a little nervous at first, but she soon got the hang of holding the sparklers and had a blast. We went through 3 packs of them. We then put the kids to bed and relaxed and watched a movie... I hope everyone had a good new years and we are excited to see what this year has to bring!
Posted by Polka-dotted elephants at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 1, 2011
To be honest it really didn't feel much like Christmas this year. I think for me so much of the fun is going a getting gifts for people and this year we just didn't have the money to get each other gifts or the kids. On black friday my mom had given me some money to go out and get the kids some winter clothes for their christmas, and of course they got their gifts early so that they wouldn't freeze their bums off this winter. But with a little of the money she gave me I picked up a gift for Asher and one for Morgan at the Disney Store with the sale going on. So at least the kids had those two things to open up on christmas morning. Pauls parents gave the kids their gifts on Christmas eve. They each got two really cool books. Morgans was an I spy and I can't believe how good she does at finding everything.
Here is Morgan and Asher opening their gifts Christmas Morning! They are in their cute Christmas jammies that my parents gave them on Christmas eve. They also got to wear them to the movies. That might be a fun tradition!
Posted by Polka-dotted elephants at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Paul Mitchell

Posted by Polka-dotted elephants at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Double Digits
I love this boy! Asher is now 10 months old... I can't believe in 2 short months he is going to be 1... Time is flying by way to fast... Here are some current things going on with Asher
- He now weighs 20 pounds.
- has 4 teeth. 2 on the bottom and 2 on the top with 2 more on the top starting to break through.
- This little boy loves his sister and follows her all around the house. I'm glad that they are so close in age and hopefully will be best of friends.
- He is starting to like to play with toys more.
- I can tell he is going to get into all sorts of mischief just like Morgan. They are both very determined little kids.
- Still not walking but he now will walk along things and he can stay standing for a pretty long time. Sometimes he looks like he is going to take a step but then backs down and starts crawling. It's just a matter of time before he starts walking but for now I will enjoy his crawling and that baby stage of him as long as I can because they grow up way too fast.
- Asher is always so full of smiles and I love it. It totally melts my heart.
- Morgan is the only one that can make him laugh so hard. I don't know how she does it but we love it when she does it. One time she was just shaking a little box of nerds in front of him and he was cracking his head off. I love the sound of a baby's laughter!
- Really the only thing he says besides babbling is mamama.
- He now waves to people
- This morning while I was sleeping he was standing next to my bed and I open my eyes and wave to him and he sat down then got back up then sat down etc while laughing. He was playing peek -a- boo with me and I thought it was the cutest thing ever.
Posted by Polka-dotted elephants at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Robert and Kelsey's Wedding
The Month of December I feel has been a pretty busy one filled with wedding stuff. Almost every weekend has been busy with bridal shower, couples shower, bachelor party, wedding dinner,wedding, and reception. I couldn't help but post pictures of my cute kids in their reception attire. They looked so handsome and beautiful.Poor Asher was so sick that day. All he wanted to do was to lay on your shoulder and just sleep. I felt so bad for the little guy. Unfortunately I didnt get many pictures at the reception due to Asher and I just sitting around a fire pit all night while he cuddled up with me asleep. I'm not complaining though, I LOVE when they cuddle. I just wish it wasn't because he didn't feel good.
Morgan in her beautiful dress. She is still learning the whole "Smile and look at the Camera" bit.
The back of Morgans hair. Paul likes when I put her hair up all sophisticated like as he calls it. I thought it turned out pretty cute.
A better view of Asher in his little suit. Poor little guy, you can tell just by his face he doesn't feel good.
Posted by Polka-dotted elephants at 3:38 PM 0 comments
Arizona Science Center

Posted by Polka-dotted elephants at 9:37 AM 0 comments