Weight 28.6 pounds (75%)
Height 36 inches (90%)
Head circumference 18 1/2 inches (50%)
I can't believe that my little girl is finally 2... Where did the time go? We are so glad that we have been blessed with such a beautiful and loving daughter... She brings so much joy and laughter into our home... Here are a few things about Morgan
- she loves milk... Its practically all she ever wants to eat(or should I say drink) besided sweets
- Loves to play in the water... Mainly the shower... Most times you can just stick her in there and she will play with her little duckies and bowls filling them up with water and dumping it out.
- She can say quite a few words now and is starting to form very short sentnces
- enjoys watching movies.... I love watching her watch them and hearing her laugh at them and say "that funny"
- she LOVES shoes... I guess she got that from her mommy...
- likes to get her hair done and be all pretty and then go show daddy how pretty she looks... Such a little girly girl but I wouldnt have it any other way!
- sleeps for about 12 hours every night and gets a nap in about half the time
- loves to go bye bye and play with other little kids
- enjoys being outside
- always is willing to give her mommy a hug and a kiss whenever I ask
- she will throw away diapers and fetch diapers and burp cloths for me
- she Loves playing with her brother although outsiders might see it more as pestering
- Morgan is quite the busy bee and enjoys getting into everything that she shouldn't be getting into
- recently has started to enjoy coloring... and not just on paper (my couch pillows)
- This girl loves gum... Another thing she must have inherited from me
Happy Birthday Morgan! We sure do love you!
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