Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Asher's 1st haircut

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For an early birthday present I picked up some new clippers for myself and thought I would put them to some good use and give Asher his first real haircut since he was starting to get spots on his head where his hair wad wearing down... I sat him in his bumbo, put on a cape and got to work... I used clippers on the sides and scissors on the top... He did fairly well... The sides ended up a bit shorter than I was wanting but thats okay because he is still as handsome as can be... And now his worn down spots don't synd out as much!


Jamielyn said...

Cute BOY! I love that you bought yourself an early b-day present...like 2 months early! haha I always do that, and then they forget...so you can get another one! ;)