Monday, April 13, 2009


So ever since Morgan has started to walk she has become very independent in a lot of ways... Lately all she has wanted to do is feed herself... I can't believe that my littl girl is growing up so fast! Paul was watching her one day while I was gone and tried feeding her... I guess she kept trying to take the spoon from him and wouldn't let him feed her so he decided to just give her the spoon and go at it... As you can tell she seemed pretty happy that she finnally got to feed herself... Paul said that she really only got like 1/2 a spoonful in her mouth but she sure seemed to have fun!

On Saturday my aunt and uncle invited us over for a spring/easter get together... They had egg coloring, an easter egg hunt for the little kids, a barbeque, and amazing homemade ice cream! mmm it was the best! My aunt Donell had an easter basket for each kid and among the eggs scattered all over the yard there were several eggs for each kid with their names on ... Morgan seemed to have fun picking up the eggs and putting them in her bucket, although she seemed to get pretty distacted at times onces she figured out how to open the eggs to see what was inside... We had a fun time visiting with family and I am super excited for next year when Morgan can get more into the whole easter thing!

Morgan in her easter dress... I know it isn't the best picture but she seriously looked so cute all dressed up!


Bridgette said...

She sure a cutie!