Friday, December 3, 2010

Potty Training

We stated potty training Morgan back in June and she was doing so good. After the first few days she got the hang of it and then we went on a camping trip and she kind of relapsed, but then we got her back on track. It has been like that for almost the past 5 months where she will do really good, and then she acts as though she never knew how to go to the potty in the first place.
I am feeling so frustrated right now since I have now changed her pants 3 times today and its only 1:10 in the afternoon. I just don't know what to do. We have tried rewarding her with treats, stickers, etc. Then she learned okay if I go potty I get what I want so then we were taking her potty every 5 min and obviously she wasnt going that often just so she could get a treat. I know she knows when she has to go potty because sometimes she tells us and other times she just stands there with her legs crossed saying no pee pee. Anywho, I am just so tired of this going on. I feel like after 6 months of no diapers during the day she would have the complete hang of it by now. And there is no way I am going back to putting her in diapers and starting this all over again. She is old enough now to be potty trained. Sometimes she tells me she wants to wear a diaper because Asher wears them. What am I to do?!