Monday, December 13, 2010


Last night Morgan and I made some cupcakes to take to Pauls brother, his wife, and their girls. We loaded some up on a plate and took them over to the girls. Obviously I haven't learned my lesson about leaving stuff out in Morgans reach, because I left the cupcakes we didn't frost on the counter and when we came home and I was sitting here on the computer, I look over and there is cupcakes all over the carpet. And boy are they enjoying them. Of course I couldn't clean up the mess first without documenting their mischief so I can later show them in life what the little trouble makers they once were.


Laci said...

oh no!! LOL That's hilarious. What cute little trouble-makers you have :)

Jamielyn said...

lol! This reminds me of Carson! He knows that a stool can get him just about anything he wants!

They are too cute!