Asher is now 9 Months old and I can't believe it. The time has seriously just flown right past me and before I know it my little baby is going to be 1 and no longer my little boy but my big boy. He is such an awesome baby and we have been so blessed to have him as a part of the family. We all just love our little "buddy boys"! We went to the doctor today and got his stats which are
- Weight-19.12 pounds (60%)
- Height 28 inches (49%)
- Head Circumference 17 3/4 inches (50%)
I know I just did a little update on him not that long ago but he has started doing some new things have happened
- Asher first top tooth has just popped through and another one is on its way. He will very soon have 4 teeth.
- He can stand on his own with no hands for a good amount of time before falling
- Today I saw him pushing a toy around and walking with it while leaning on it. I have a feeling it won't be too long before he learns to walk. I give him 2 months.
- He is STILL NOT sleeping through the nights. Partly due to teething and being sick and his momma feels way too bad making him cry it out when I know he doesn't feel good.
I pulled out what Morgans 9 month stats were so I could compare the 2 and here they are
- Weight-20.2 pounds (75%)
- Height-29 inches (90%)
- Head Circumference-17 3/4 inches (75%)
Its fun to see how close together they are in the three areas. Its weird though because their head circumference was the exact same but they percentiles are different. Maybe the range is different in boys and girls.