- I love sleeping on the couch. I pretty much never slept in my room growing up and even when I lived on my own in Utah I preferred sleeping on the couch. Sometimes now I will fall asleep on the couch and then a couple hours later go into my room to sleep.
- Speaking of sleeping I absolutely love to sleep. If I had my way I would sleep 10 hours every night.
- I am terrified of heights.
- Hard to believe that I went sky diving and on a hot air balloon ride when I was 18
- I have flown a plane
- I HATE fish. I have the biggest fear of them. One year while in California I was out in the water and saw a fish swim by me. for some reason it never registered in my head before that the fish swim all around you in the ocean. I just thought they were WAY out in the ocean. I wouldn't go in the water for the rest of the trip. And was very skeptical of going out in the water for years after. Didn't help that we went to the ocean for a week every year.
- I love going to sea world.
- I have never eaten fish and never will. Once I tried shrimp and crab but had to spit it out.
- I have two kids
- I have lived in Arizona, Utah, and Washington
- I have been out of the country twice. Once to Canada, and once to Germany.
- I am addicted to shopping! (but what girl isn't)
- I have been in 2 car accidents where my car has been totaled both times. Neither were my fault. I broke my collar bone in the first one and was air evacced to the number 1 trauma center in the valley.
- I love to be creative, whether it be crafts, decorating, designing.
- I met my husband when I was 16. He was 18. I also am the one that asked him on the first date. met halloween night at Sonic. We dated for 8 months. I Sent him on a mission. Dear johned him. Then married him.
- I have never intentionally eaten a mushroom. Paul always tries to get me too. Even offered to pay me to eat one, but I just can't. They seem disgusting.
- I am a really picky eater. When I was little I used to have to drink pediasure for dinner because I would refuse to eat what we were having.
- I went to 3 different high schools and enrolled into one of them 3 times. Red mountain, Rogers, Red mountain, Heritage Academy, Red mountain.
- I wasn't going to walk at my graduation but about a week before some friends finally convinced me to. I am glad that I did.
- My dad helped me start a screen printing business when I was 16 years old. By the time I was 18 I had a pretty steady clientele and was constantly busy with work.
- I designed a customized missionary blanket that I have made for 4 people that went on their missions. I have thought about selling them. They are pretty awesome!
- I refuse to speak in church. When I was 16 I spoke and was so nervous I read the same paragraph twice. I didn't notice til I was half way through the paragraph for the second time. It scarred me and now whenever we move into a new ward I let the bishopric know I do not speak in church. Its was too nerve racking.
- I went to Red Moutain MCC for 1 semester. I only took one class and it was psychology. My teacher pretty much was on crack and we never had one homework assignment. Only quizzes and tests. Easiest class ever if you ask me.
- I got my first and only traffic ticket in Utah on my way down to visit my family and to see Paul for the first time since he had been home from my mission. Lets just say it put enough points on my license that if I were to get another ticket in Utah within the next 2 years I would get my license taken away.
- I used to bribe my younger to let me cut his hair. That's how much I used to like cutting hair
- In 7th grade I won first place at the arizona state fair for a pastel drawing that I did.
- Had my first kiss when I was 15. His name was Trevor Nichols
- I went to 3 high school dances. 2 homecomings my junior year. One with Heber Ferrin to Mesa highs and one with Cameron Stradling to Mountain View. Neither of them were to my own high school. I then went to my senior prom with Travis Nichols
- I am a beauty school drop out. I attended Paul Mitchell the School for 960 hours and dropped out to get married. Had plans of going back but then I got pregnant.
- My daughter is named after my sister Morgan who passed away when she was four. Morgan was blessed on August 3rd 2008 which marked the 11 year mark since she passed away. It was a bitter sweet day.
- I love the biggest loser. It is pretty much the only show I watch and I cry almost every time I watch it. I find it very inspiring. I even dream that I am on the show sometimes!
- My favorite Movie when I was little was the little mermaid.
- When I little I used to sit at my babysitters house at the top of the stairs and say when I grow up I wanna be a ballerinarina. I would say it over and over and over.
- I used to only ever wear dresses as a little girl.
- I was born a blond and I have naturally curly hair. No one believes it because I straighten it everyday.
- I have been stung by a jelly fish before.
- I love taking hot showers. When I'm pregnant I take at least 2 if not 3 showers a day. I find them very relaxing!
- I had a spinal tap when I was just a couple weeks old.
- When I was 8 months old I was hospitalized for 3 weeks with osteomylitis.
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